On adventurous play in school-aged children, with Rachel Nesbit
Dr Rachel Nesbit is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow based in the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Research Collaboration at the University of Exeter. She specialises in play and mental health in children and young people. During this podcast she chats to Louisa about her recent review looking at the factors that might help or hinder schools in providing children with opportunities for adventurous play*.
*Adventurous play has been defined as exciting or thrilling play where children are able to take age-appropriate risks (e.g., climbing trees, jumping off rocks).
Another paper of potential interest is The British Children's Play Survey - the largest study of play in Britain to date: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/8/4334
You can find out more about Rachel's research here.
You can also find Rachel on Twitter @rachelnesbit.
The paper discussed in this podcast is:
Nesbit, R. J., Bagnall, C. L., Harvey, K. & Dodd, H. F. (2021). Perceived barriers and facilitators of adventurous play in schools: A qualitative systematic review. Children, 8(8), 681.