On ADHD in the classroom, with Emily McDougal
Dr Emily McDougal is a developmental psychologist, currently based at University of Surrey, who specialises in neurodiversity and cognition in the classroom. During this podcast episode she chats to Lou about a project looking at understanding and supporting ADHD in the classroom, from the perspective of children with ADHD and their teachers.
You can follow Emily on Twitter @mimsiemcd to find out more about her research, and you can view the EPIC project page here.
The paper discussed in this podcast is:
McDougal, E., Tai, C., Stewart, T. M., Booth, J. N., & Rhodes, S. M. (2022). Understanding and supporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the primary school classroom: Perspectives of children with ADHD and their teachers. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.